Sunrise Sanding Sealer
It is an NC based sanding sealer and provides and provides a hard base coat for glossy wood lacquer top coat. Due to its penetration into the porous wood surface it prevents the linkage of top coat which results in excellent hold out.
Furniture industry, brush making, tools, toys and other wooden surfaces.
COVERING CAPACITY | 6-7m2 / litter per oat (3-6 microns per coat) |
Hard Dry | 30 Minutes |
SOLID (VOL%) | 36+2 |
Surface Dry | 5 minutes |
Hard Dry | 1-2 hours |
Recoatability | 15 Minutes |
SPECIFIC GRAVITY | 0.90 - 1.00 |
Sunrise Sanding Sealer should be thinned 1:1 (by volume) with Sunrise N/C thinner. Apply two coats by spray giving 20-30 minutes between coats.
Clean all equipment with Sunrise T-999 immediately after use.
Wood must be very well seasoned and fully dried. Ensure the surface is uniform and smooth which can be achieved by sanding with coarse emery paper and if required mechanical sander should be used to remove imperfections in the surface.
1. Keep paint container air tight after use.
2. Keep paint away from open flame.
3. Where the painting is in progress ensure adequate ventilation.